Sunday, April 17, 2011
Most Important Single Development

Saturday, April 9, 2011
More Than Just Gaming Addiction

Saturday, April 2, 2011
A Shift

Friday, March 25, 2011
Getting Sophisticated

But that was in 2006.
In 2008, current U.S. president Barack Obama proved Clift's statement wrong.
Joe Trippi, a political consultant, feels that Obama "used the Internet to organise his supporters in a way that would have in the past required an army of volunteers and paid organisers on the ground".
He used YouTube for free advertising and Trippi thinks the YouTube videos are more effective as compared to advertisements using traditional media because viewers chose to watch them instead of being forced to watch them during commercial breaks.
In addition, his website was "designed for common people"; individuals could view his websites the moments they typed in the link.
Hillary Clinton's website, on the other hand, gives the image of trying to force people to support her. It shows a picture of her, a quote, contact information, and a big icon that reads CONTRIBUTE in red. Other than that, there isn't a lot of information we can get out of the website as compared to Obama's.
A 2008 survey showed that "the internet is becoming an increasing part of the norm of political participation - people are using it to read the news, share their votes, or to participate in some other process to get others to take political action".
This is definitely evident in the fact that people are forwarding or writing their own political commentary, signing online petitions, and sharing online political videos among other things.
From all of these, we can see that the internet is no longer in its infancy in terms of the political arena.
However, there are certainly limitations to the internet for political campaigning, such as negative campaigning.
One example would be of PAP's youngest woman candidate Tin Pei Ling.
The 27 year-old is recently in the limelight for all the wrong reasons; her speech on her biggest regret, criticisms of her posing with her Kate Spade bag, and photos from her past.
All these was made possible with the internet; videos of her speech being viewed by many, photos taken from her Facebook page. There are even a few videos made just to mock her.
Such is the limitation of the internet.
I believe it does not just apply to politics, however.
No doubt this incident has reflected the impact of internet on political campaigning, of course in the negative sense, but more importantly it teaches us that the internet is a really scary thing; whatever has once been posted can always be dug out.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Already Here

Sunday, March 13, 2011
Saturday, March 12, 2011
No Truly Secure System

Saturday, March 5, 2011
Too Diversified

Indeed, Google alone has only too many tools: webs, images, videos, maps, alerts, ...
From a business perspective, it is difficult to survive without a focus, I have to admit, however, that Google has helped me in many different ways.
The web and images alone help me in my research and assignments. News allow me to read online and on the go. The list will go on, but the purpose of the entry today is to talk about Google Maps.
I was supposed to go to ADL building at Toh Guan Road East to run an errand, and asked my friend for the directions. Her immediate response was, "just go to google map". And so I did.
There are directions by car, by public transit, and by walking.
On the left of the page, several suggested routes and even the timings are shown. It even tells the user how many stops the buses will take.
On the right side, a map is shown. You can zoom in to get a better view and there are two different types of views - the satellite version and the earth. Click on the satellite icon and you can see just what's happening in the vicinity. In addition, there are pop-ups on where you are supposed to take the buses from.
Using Google Maps, I got to my destination without any difficulty. Who's to say that diversification is not good?Saturday, February 26, 2011
The Now Big Thing

Saturday, February 19, 2011
As important as breathing

Saturday, February 12, 2011
Facebook Yay Or Nay

"Social networking sites like Myspace, Friendster, Facebook have literally exploded in popularity in just a few short years" - Mike Fitzpatrick
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Connections made so much easier

Sunday, January 23, 2011
Wonders of the Web

Just last lesson, Mr Choy said that the Internet is not the web. And I was stunned. Because all along, I'd thought that the internet and the web are one and the same. Then I googled on the differences between them both and found out just how huge the web is.
But for the purpose of this first post, I shall just talk about the wonders of the web 3.0.
The web has indeed come a long way, from just a 1.0, something that allows read-only, to a 2.0, the "wildly read-write web", and finally, 3.0, a continuation of the already fantastic existing techniques. It uses collective intelligence and is so highly interactive people get to know so many more "friends", via gaming or what-have-yous.
There are just too many functions of the web; search engines, online businesses and transactions, viewing of dramas just to name a few.
It's amazing just how the search engine works, linking so many people together, showing us all the information we need just by a click of the mouse. I was just reading my cousin's blog and was linked to another lady's whom she had recommended. I guess this is how blog-hopping came about. And then you start being avid readers of blogs belonging to strangers, those you've never met before in real life. And speaking of blogging, the web 3.0 allows all of us to be authors, creating our own space. Some have their own photoblogs, some food blogs and so many more, that when you run out of ideas as to where to go to you can just google them.
Then there are the online businesses, how with the web you can now shop "overseas", visiting shops from all over the world. iBanking definitely helps all the online shoppers and my cousins have certainly benefitted a lot from it, instead of having to go all the way to the ATM machines to transfer the money. Again, everything is done within a click of the mouse.
And how can I forget the viewing of dramas! Ever since my cousins have given me the different websites for drama-viewing I no longer have to make sure I reach home and sit myself in front of the television just before my favorite programs start.
But then you wonder, with so many wonders already, can the web 3.0 still evolve into a 4.0?